Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lessons Learned While Sitting Still

"Sit. Still. Then come back and see me in 3 weeks."

It was only the non-waterproof mascara which kept me from breaking into tears when I heard this from Dr Paul last Thursday.

But, being forced to sit still really does help to, as Jim (best spin instructor in the world) would say "still your mind." While my body and mind have been "still", I have learned a few lessons. I'm capturing them here in case I'm tempted to forget them once I ditch the crutches and start moving more quickly again.

* Life is in ultra-high-definition. But you can't see the detail if you move too quickly.
* People are kind.
* Everyone has a story, and if you slow down long enough, most of them will be happy to tell you theirs.
* Running is not the only form of physical exercise available. (Still think it's the best, but not the only...)
* Life is full of setbacks. Success is determined by how you handle the setbacks. (This is printed on the Lululemon bag ... it has new meaning to me now)
* Taking time away from your sport is like pulling back the arrow on a bow. If you focus on doing it with intensity, when you let go, your arrow will go even further than it did before (Can't take credit for this one either ... these are more of Jim's wise words).
* My husband is one of the most patient and kind people in the world. I need to be more like him.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Aww Jen - love the words of wisdom! Wish I could have been there to keep you company while you sat still since, as you know, I am very good at that! ;) haha